SXSW Place by Design

March 7-15, 2025 in Austin, TX

Place by Design is a pitch competition aimed at showcasing innovative and invigorating design in the public sphere. Urbanists, artists, architects, and designers have the opportunity to present their scalable solutions for improving our shared landscape.

Finalists are determined by the degree of the social impact their work has on the community. Each designer or team will pitch their work in a fast-paced competition followed by a Q&A session with the judges. Apply now for the chance to get your work in front of the diverse SXSW audience and win the 2020 Place by Design Award.

Applications are currently open through November 22, 2019 at 11:59pm PT.


Place by Design is open to all types of design work that rethinks, enhances or transforms public space. This includes but is not limited to emerging technologies, urban interventions, public art and architecture.

In order to qualify for Place by Design, works need to: 1. Be actualized. Work will be judged in part by its impact on the design problem it set out to solve, therefore conceptual submissions are not eligible. 2. Be designed in the last five years. Submissions need to have an impact on the community, but still need to be current. 3. Be creative. We are seeking original ideas that are site-specific yet can scale, and will inspire other designers to improve their own surroundings.

If you have any questions about Place By Design, please email